A Transformational Journey to Inner Peace and Personal Success

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In today’s fast-paced world, adults of all ages are under immense pressure.

Work demands, personal responsibilities, social dynamics, and the ever-present digital distractions can leave you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and unfocused.

You want to equip yourself with the tools needed to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and calm.

That’s where the "Mindful Muscle" program comes in.

Imagine a life where you are focused, calm, and emotionally balanced.

Imagine coming home after a busy day, not overwhelmed by stress, but relaxed, happy, and ready to enjoy your evening.

This isn’t just a dream—it’s a reality that can be achieved through mindfulness.

The Backstory: Why Mindfulness Matters

Mindfulness isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a proven approach to mental and emotional well-being.

Research shows that mindfulness practices can reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance emotional regulation in individuals.

But how can mindfulness be introduced to adults in a way that’s engaging and effective?

That’s the question that led to the creation of the "Mindful Muscle" program.

Designed specifically for individuals, this program breaks down mindfulness into simple, fun, and practical lessons that anyone can understand and apply.

Over seven weeks, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and emotional growth, laying the foundation for a lifetime of calm and confidence.

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The 8 Components of S.E.L.F.

The "From Chaos to Calm" program is structured around the eight key components of SELF:

  • Settle In: Helping children find stillness and calm in a busy world.
  • Breath Awareness: Teaching the power of mindful breathing to manage emotions and stress.
  • Mindful Movement: Introducing gentle, mindful movements to connect mind and body.
  • Community Connection: Building empathy and connection with others through mindful communication.
  • Focus: Developing concentration skills to enhance academic performance.
  • Creative Expansion: Encouraging creative expression as a form of emotional exploration.
  • Relaxation: Guiding children in deep relaxation techniques for inner peace.
  • Closing: Reflecting on the journey and setting intentions for a mindful future.


Here's the Week-by-Week Breakdown

Why Participate In The Mindful Muscle?

This program isn’t just about teaching mindfulness; it’s about creating a lasting change in your life and the lives of those around you.

By the end of the 8 weeks, you will have developed a toolkit of mindfulness practices that you can use to navigate life’s challenges with grace and ease.

What You Get:

  • Engaging and age-appropriate mindfulness exercises that make learning fun.
  • Interactive activities, discussions, and reflective journaling to deepen understanding.
  • Ongoing support from teachers and encouragement for parent participation, creating a holistic learning environment.
  • A foundation in mindfulness that will support your child’s personal and academic growth for years to come.
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8-Part Video Series

What’s Included in Course:

  • Access to the Calm in a Box Video Series
  • Weekly Live Coaching and Q&A Sessions with Rashad Sanders
  • The Mindful Muscle 365-Day Meditation Book (PDF & Softcover)
  • The Mindful Muscle 8-Week Self-Discovery Journal (PDF & Softcover)
  • A Bottle of Equanimity Meditation Oil Shipped to You
  • Membership in the Mindful Muscle Community for Ongoing Support
  • Discounted Access to Quarterly Mindfulness Retreats
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Coaching & Community

3 Installments of $999

Access for 8 weeks

What’s Included in Program:

  • Access to the Calm in a Box Video Series
  • Weekly Live Coaching and Q&A Sessions with Rashad Sanders
  • The Mindful Muscle 365-Day Meditation Book (PDF & Softcover)
  • The Mindful Muscle 8-Week Self-Discovery Journal (PDF & Softcover)
  • A Bottle of Equanimity Meditation Oil Shipped to You
  • Membership in the Mindful Muscle Community for Ongoing Support
  • Discounted Access to Quarterly Mindfulness Retreats
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Enroll  Today!

Don’t let stress and burnout take control of your campus culture.

Give your teachers and students the gift of mindfulness and watch as they transform from chaos to calm.

Sign up for the "Mindul Muscle" program today and start the journey towards a more peaceful and successful future for your educators and students.

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